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Monday, November 30, 2009

Residential metal roofing

Installing residential metal roofing is a big task -- and metal roofing is one of the best possible investments that you can make in your home. But many people have questions, and misinformation abounds in regard to metal roofing -- so in this article we would like to clear up a few of those misconceptions --

One of the most common misconceptions about residential metal roofing is that it can be dented by hail, or ripped off and bent in a wind storm. In fact, residential metal roofing is a very durable product, and if it is properly installed by a qualified roofer you will never need to worry about your metal roof being damaged by hail or wind.

Another common misconception about residential metal roofing is that it is expensive. While there is no doubt that the initial purchase price is high, this is counterbalanced by the fact that properly installed, your newresidential metal roof may be guaranteed for 20 years or more. During this same period of time, you might have to replace a traditional shingle roof two or more times -- so let me ask you, which type of roof will really save you money in the end?